Sunday, July 29, 2018

Advil PM

Thanks to Smiley 360, I got the chance to try Advil PM for free.

Advil PM is a combination of Advil (ibuprofen) and diphenhydramine citrate (an antihistamine). Honestly, I probably would not have applied for the mission if I had know the active ingredient ahead of time. I use diphenhydramine occasionally for my allergies, and I can have very different reactions to it. About 80% of the time, it makes me drowsy and sleepy. About 10-15% of the time, it makes me very jittery. Therefore, I don't like to use it for insomnia. Also, very consistently when I take it, I wake up very abruptly about 3-4 hours after taking it. It's like my body just jolts awake once most of the medicine has worked through my system.

As for the Advil PM, I have been fortunate the couple of times I have tried it and it has not made me jittery. However, only one of the two times did it really help me fall asleep, but it did not prevent me from waking up multiple times during the night. It does come in a small package, convenient to keep near your bed. The pills are large, but not enormous. For people who need some pain relief and some help falling asleep, this is likely an okay product, but it is not a product that does anything different for me that one I already have and use. Advil PM